Heartland English School – Word of the Day

ASK SOMEONE OUT by jondknight
2023.02.14, 7:38 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Theme: Valentine’s Day expressions!

Word of the day: ask someone out [phrasal verb]

Meaning: to ask someone to go on a date


If you like him, why don’t you ask him out?

I’m too shy to ask him out! Maybe he’ll ask me out first…

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FLIRT by jondknight
2023.02.13, 9:38 am
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Theme: Valentine’s Day expressions!

Word of the day: flirt [verb]

Meaning: to behave playfully with someone who you are attracted to.


Guys, I am not sure… but I think Lisa was flirting with me.

Harry liked to flirt with all the girls at the pub.

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come rain or shine by margotemik
2023.02.10, 12:00 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Theme: idioms related to weather

Word of the day: come rain or shine

Meaning: regardless of the weather, whatever the circumstances


Come rain or shine, he is always on the job.

Every morning at 7 am, come rain or shine, Mark leaves his home and rides his bike to work.

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throw caution to the wind by margotemik
2023.02.09, 12:00 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Theme: idioms related to weather

Word of the day: throw caution to the wind

Meaning: If you throw caution to the wind, you behave in a way that isn’t considered sensible or careful.


She threw caution to the wind and married him even though she knew he was a professional thief.

Sam is not one to throw caution to the wind; he always thinks very carefully before making any decisions.

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rain on my parade by margotemik
2023.02.08, 12:00 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Theme: idioms related to weather

Word of the day: rain on my parade

Meaning: prevent someone from enjoying an occasion or event; spoil someone’s plans


I’m sorry to rain on your parade, but you’re not allowed to have alcohol on the beach.

I hate to rain on your parade, but I think your A in Chemistry was actually a clerical error.

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Steal my thunder by margotemik
2023.02.07, 12:00 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Theme: idioms related to weather

Word of the day: steal my thunder

Meaning: If you steal someone’s thunder, you get the attention or praise that they thought they would get, usually by saying or doing what they had intended to say or do.


Sandy stole my thunder when she announced that I got a promotion two days before I had planned to tell everyone about it.

As Rachel and I were singing, she suddenly stood in front of me and stole my thunder.

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Take a rain check by margotemik
2023.02.06, 9:30 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Theme: idioms related to weather

Word of the day: take a rain check

Meaning: politely decline an offer of something with the intention of taking it up another day (later)


I’ll have to take a rain check on going to the movies this evening; I already have other plans.

I would have loved to come to your place, but I’ll take a rain check on that. I will be out of town during the weekend.

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keep up with by carolhutch61210118
2023.02.03, 1:40 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Theme: Three-word Phrasal Verbs

Word of the Day: keep up with

Meaning: do something fast enough

Examples: A small child can’t keep up with older children in sports. You have to do your homework and study so that you can keep up with the class.

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own up to by carolhutch61210118
2023.02.02, 1:39 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Theme: Three-word Phrasal Verbs

Word of the Day: own up to

Meaning: to admit something; to admit you did something

Examples: If you don’t own up to your mistakes, you will look like a fool. The company owned up to having polluted the river.

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come up with by carolhutch61210118
2023.02.01, 1:38 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Theme: Three-word Phrasal Verbs

Word of the Day: come up with

Meaning: to think of a new idea or solution to a problem

Examples: I need to come up with an idea for my essay. The Corning Glass Company came up with Gorilla Glass, the glass which is used on cell phones. 

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