Heartland English School – Word of the Day

frostbite by kenfreund
2019.11.29, 8:30 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Theme: winter weather words

Word: frostbite (n.), frostbitten (adj.)

Meaning: injury to any part of the body caused by excessive exposure to extreme cold

Example: A minor case of frostbite makes your skin red and numb, but a serious case can result in blisters.

Example: Your ears may become frostbitten if you don’t wear a toque outside in winter.

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snowed in by kenfreund
2019.11.28, 8:22 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Theme: winter weather words

Word: snowed in (passive phrasal verb)

Meaning: unable to leave a place because a lot of snow has fallen

Example: We were snowed in after the blizzard. We couldn’t open the front door!

If you do get snowed in, you may have to dig yourself out with a shovel.

Image result for snowed in
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snowdrift by kenfreund
2019.11.27, 8:15 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Theme: winter weather words

Word: snowdrift (n.)

Meaning: a deep pile of snow created by wind

Example: On a windy day, snowdrifts can form on the roads and make driving difficult.

Example: A serious blizzard may create a snowdrift in front of your door.

Image result for snowdrift
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cold snap by kenfreund
2019.11.25, 3:15 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Theme: winter weather words

Word: cold snap (n.)

Meaning: a sudden, short period of very cold weather

Example: You can expect a cold snap sometime in January or February.

Example: A sudden cold snap can cause a power failure.

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blizzard by kenfreund
2019.11.25, 9:32 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Theme: winter weather words

Word: blizzard (n.)

Meaning: a severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility

Example: It’s dangerous to drive in a blizzard because it is difficult to see the road.

Example: If there is a blizzard outside, it’s a good idea to stay at home.

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EXTROVERT by jondknight
2019.11.22, 8:10 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Theme: The prefix “extra-”

Word: extrovert [count noun; alternative spelling of “extravert”]

Meaning: a lively and confident person who enjoys socializing with other people

Example: Jane really is an extrovert! She was the centre of attention at the party last night.

Example: My father is an extrovert. He loves meeting new people.

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EXTRANEOUS by jondknight
2019.11.21, 8:07 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Theme: The prefix “extra-”

Word: extraneous [adjective]

Meaning: not directly connected with the situation at hand; unnecessarily additional; irrelevant

Example: A good advertisement shouldn’t have any extraneous information on the page.

Example: When filming for T.V., producers edit out any extraneous noise that isn’t supposed to be part of the program.

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EXTRAVAGANT by jondknight
2019.11.20, 8:04 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Theme: The prefix “extra-”

Word: extravagant [adjective]

Meaning: costing more money than what is necessary, or more than someone can afford

Example: Lucy spent over $2000 on the extravagant dress.

Example: Hmm, $60 for a plate? This restaurant might be a little bit too extravagant for my tastes.

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2019.11.19, 8:02 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Theme: The prefix “extra-”

Word: extraterrestrial [count noun]

Meaning: a creature that comes from another planet

Example: E.T. was a movie about an extraterrestrial on Earth who was trying to go home.

Example: Do you believe in extraterrestrials?


EXTRAORDINARY by jondknight
2019.11.18, 8:58 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Theme: The prefix “extra-”

Word: extraordinary [adjective]

Meaning: greater or better than unsual, often unexpectedly or strangely so

Example: She slept through the entire party? That’s extraordinary!

Example: Our meals at the new restaurant were extraordinary. Everyone absolutely loved it.